Five tips on how to beautify your garden with vinegar (video)

Watch the video: Five tips on how vinegar can beautify your garden

Five tips on how vinegar can help you create a more beautiful garden.

Cats like to use flower beds as toilets.

To prevent this, simply soak a few rags in vinegar and spread them in the garden.

Cats will avoid the garden and do their business elsewhere.

You can get rid of unsightly deposits on clay pots with this simple trick:

Either place the pots in a vinegar bath or wipe off severely affected areas directly.

Some plants need acidic soil to thrive.

With a vinegar-water mixture, the bed becomes a flower paradise.

Rusted hedge trimmers, shovel or rake?

Again, a bath in vinegar helps to bring back the shine.

If you want to get rid of annoying wasps, this wasp trap will help:

This is how wasps are caught – and bees fly on and are spared.

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