Five EU countries, including France, call for a European approach on price hikes

A “common approach” must be adopted in Europe to temper the increases in energy prices demanded Tuesday France, Spain, the Czech Republic, Greece and Romania, while prices have sharply increased the latter month. Faced with “considerable” increases in gas and electricity prices, European countries must establish a “regulatory toolbox” to coordinate national responses, ask these five countries in a joint statement.

The Eurozone’s Economy and Finance ministers have been meeting since Monday in Luxembourg to discuss in particular this soaring tariffs. “The gas market must be analyzed to understand why the current contracts have turned out to be insufficient. We should establish common rules on gas storage to smooth and mitigate price increases, ”the ministers stressed. As for electricity, “we must reform the wholesale market”, they claim. “It must be improved to better establish the link between the price paid by consumers and the average cost of producing electricity in each national mix”.

EU countries should also focus on diversifying their energy supply and “reducing European dependence on gas-exporting countries as quickly as possible,” the five ministers argue. Brussels had announced on September 22 that it was ready to validate “temporary measures” from the States of the European Union in the face of the sharp rise in prices. The Commission is due to publish a guide in the coming days proposing actions to be taken in response to this situation. This subject should also be addressed at a summit of EU heads of state and government on 21 and 22 October.

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