Five dogs attack the postwoman and bite her to death

Five dogs attack the postwoman and bite her to death

The dogs caused serious injuries to the 61-year-old postwoman (symbol image)

© Yuriy Green / Getty Images

A group of dogs attacked a postman in Florida. The 61-year-old succumbed to her injuries and the animals are now being euthanized.

Terrible incident in the US state of Florida: According to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, five dogs bit a mailwoman to death. According to the sheriff, it was a 61-year-old woman. She had broken down in her car. As she got out, the dogs pounced on her.

Local residents heard the woman’s screams and saw her lying on the ground being attacked by five dogs. The dog’s owner and several neighbors tried to persuade the animals to let go of the woman. Even when a local resident fired his gun several times in the air and on the ground, the dogs did not retreat. The owner and other helpers had to pull them back with their own hands.

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When police arrived, they found the victim bleeding heavily from the bite injuries. The 61-year-old was first taken to a nearby hospital because she was in mortal danger, she was later taken to a special clinic in Gainesville. But even there she could not be saved in the end: one day after the dog attack, the woman succumbed to her injuries.

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Sheriff HD DeLoach offered his condolences to the victim’s family and announced a thorough investigation into the tragedy. According to initial findings, the dogs are said to have escaped from a fenced area. It has not yet been clarified whether there are also criminal proceedings on the part of the owner. The dogs are now to be euthanized. The sheriff did not provide any information about the race.

DeLoach said there have been reports of dog attacks in the area in the past. It will be determined whether these are the same dogs. “It is imperative that dog owners take responsibility for keeping their pets in a safe place for their own safety and that of those around them,” the sheriff said.

Source: “News4Jax”


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