Five cases of the Delta variant in a religious community

An “immediate action” plan has been deployed in the Pyrénées-Orientales, after the confirmation by sequencing of the first cases of contamination by the Delta variant of the coronavirus in the department, indicates the Regional Health Agency.

Five cases have been confirmed in a religious community. According to France Bleu Roussillon, it is a remote monastery, where a dozen “almost hermit” sisters live, at an altitude of around 1,000 meters.

Placed in isolation

The state of health of these people of 60, 45, 53, 54 and 91 years “does not require hospital care”, indicates the ARS. They were placed in solitary confinement.

To prevent the spread of the Delta variant, screening operations are being stepped up in the department, and a new call for vaccination against Covid-19 is launched to all people who have not yet been vaccinated. In addition, the contact tracing system is continuing at the Health Insurance and ARS.

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