First employee requisitions at Esso-ExxonMobil…

6:44 am: The CGT calls for a 24-hour general strike

The CGT is furious against the requisitions. In addition to filing an interim appeal on Thursday, the general secretary of the union therefore called on employees from other sectors to join the mobilization. Philippe Martinez notably mentioned the ongoing strike of employees responsible for maintenance in nuclear power plants and affirmed that the railway workers were “discussing terms”.

According to Céline Verzeletti, confederal secretary of the CGT, a day of national interprofessional strike could be announced this Thursday and take place “from next week”.

A meeting of federation officials was also held at the union’s headquarters yesterday afternoon. They “insisted on the need to have a rapid reaction” to the requisitions “by calling on the employees to a 24-hour strike day on wages, pensions and trade union freedoms”. This Thursday morning, a meeting “with all the departmental unions will allow us to finalize the call to strike”, added Céline Verzeletti.

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