Fire: Pillar of fire several meters high above the campsite

Meter-high column of fire above the campsite

Seven people were injured in a fire at a campsite. Photo: Goppelt/vifogra/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

A gas-powered stove is said to be the trigger for the devastating fire on the campsite. People took refuge in the forest from the flames, there are seven injured.

A column of fire around 50 meters high, several burning caravans and seven injured – a fire at a campsite in Central Franconia kept the emergency services busy for a long time during the night. The fire destroyed up to 17 parking spaces, including the vehicles, said a police spokeswoman.

A 39-year-old was taken to the hospital with severe burns. A 38-year-old suffered severe smoke inhalation. According to previous knowledge, the fire had started in the caravan of the two seriously injured people on the campsite in Roth.

When working on a gas-powered stove, there was a flash fire that set the whole caravan on fire, said the police spokeswoman. A witness heard the bang and saved the 39-year-old, his wife, who was one year younger, and their child from the burning car.

The flames quickly spread to neighboring plots, said the police spokeswoman. Again and again there were further explosions. 18 fire brigades from the district, technical relief organization, water rescue service, police and rescue services were deployed to extinguish the fire and save people.

A police helicopter searched the forest for campers who had fled there from the flames. The rescue service treated five people with mild smoke inhalation at the campsite. The police are now investigating how the fire could have started.


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