Financial summit in Paris: Heads of state want to talk about the Global South

Status: 06/22/2023 04:39 a.m

The “summit for a new global financial pact” begins in Paris. Heads of state and government discuss climate protection and debt relief for poorer countries with organizations. Decisions are not to be expected.

Environmental activists unfurled a large banner on the Trocadero Square in Paris with a clear message: “Whoever pollutes the world should pay for it.” Mitzi Jonelle Tan will be there. She is 25 years old, lives in the Philippines – and knows what it means when the water is literally up to your neck.

In the last 20 years, we have had the most extreme weather events in a global comparison. I grew up with climate change – with the fear of drowning in my room. I’ve seen entire villages washed away.

Mitzi Jonelle Tan, environmental activist

Rich countries should support the Global South

On the other hand, the countries of the Global South should be able to protect themselves better in the future. And it’s only fair for rich countries to think about how they can help, says economist and Nobel laureate in economics Esther Duflo. After all, it is the economic and lifestyle of the countries of the Global North that contributes most to climate change.

“So when we talk about the financial transfers between the countries of the North and the Global South, in my view it’s no longer about solidarity. It’s just about justice,” says Duflo.

debt of poorer countries natural disasters expose

For two days in Paris, for example, the focus should be on restructuring the international financial system in this way. Environmental activist Mitzi Jonelle Tan has precise ideas: “If it’s about taxing those who cause climate change, then this money has to end up with local communities and initiatives,” says Tan. When it comes to debt, it must be clear that money to protect against the consequences of climate change is not aid money, but reparations.

In fact, that’s one of the ideas on the table: restructure poorer countries’ debts — and suspend payment obligations as they grapple with climate-related natural disasters. In addition, a CO2 tax for international shipping is to be discussed.

Macron: “Credibility of rich countries restore”

French President Emmanuel Macron invited to the summit. As so often, Macron wants to turn the big wheel and “rethink international solidarity,” as he puts it. It is also about raising money – for massive investments in the countries that need it most: “For health systems, education, food security – and to restore the credibility of the rich countries,” said the French President.

According to Marcon, rich countries must make it clear to the Global South that they want a fairer world. “We want to be able to fight the consequences of climate change not only for us, but also for them.”

prevent breakage in relationships

This is how Emmanuel Macron put it in February at the security conference in Munich when he spoke about the planned summit. For him, this also has a security policy dimension: it is intended to prevent a possible, final break with the countries of the Global South. Because they are in the process of looking for other partners, says economist Esther Duflo.

Some countries have become richer – for example India or China. Not only are they now able to support themselves, but they can lend money and fund activities in other countries themselves. This creates a kind of competitive situation: the traditional role of Europe or the USA as ‘big brother’ is less important today.

environmental activists fear: many promises, few resolutions

However, concrete decisions are not to be expected – the Élysée Palace had already made this clear in advance. Rather, the summit should be a platform for international exchange.

That’s what Patience Nabukalu feared. The environmental activist has come from Uganda – and doesn’t expect too much from the conference. “If you look at the agenda and the guest list, everyone puts on a smile now and says how good it is that this summit is happening. But in the end it will be a conference like everyone else, with everyone coming and making promises – and in the end don’t do any of it.”

According to the Élysée Palace, ideas should also be collected at the summit – which will then be discussed further in the future. For example at the UN climate conference in Dubai at the end of the year.

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