Finally, the mask becomes compulsory again outdoors, in certain cases

For the inhabitants of Paris, it is difficult to stay up to date with the restrictions linked to the coronavirus. These have just changed again this Monday. While the wearing of a mask imposed outdoors at the end of December in the capital by the government had been suspended by the Paris administrative court on Thursday evening January 13, a new decree from the Paris police prefect has just imposed it again in certain areas. .

In a press release published on Monday, Didier Lallement explains that the mask becomes compulsory again outdoors on markets, flea markets, garage sales and unpacking sales. It will also be “in all gatherings, demonstrations, meetings or activities bringing together 10 or more people, organized on the public highway”, in places waiting for public transport such as bus stops and in queues .

Finally, it will be around stations, shopping centres, schools or universities, places of worship, when the public enters and leaves during offices and ceremonies.

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