Finale of “The Masked Singer”: These are the previous winners of the show

The Ice Princess, the Mustang, the Lulatsch and the Troll: These four characters will appear one last time in the finale of the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer” on Saturday evening. At the end of the evening, the winner of the ninth season should be determined. This time, Ruth Moschner, Rick Kavanian and Judith Williams are on the advisory team.

Five masks have already fallen. The first to become a singer Katja Ebstein unmasked as Okapi, followed by model Eva Padberg as a fire extinguisher. Jenke von Wilmsdorff was under the Martian mouse costume. The identity of the kiwi was revealed prematurely due to a mishap: the funny bird lost its head in one episode. Actor Uwe Ochsenknecht was hidden underneath. For singer Tim Bendzko it was over in the semifinals: his mask was called Klaus Claus.

“The Masked Singer” has been running on ProSieben since summer 2019. Celebrities appear as singers, but hide their true identities under elaborate costumes. A three-person jury team is supposed to use a few clues to guess who is hiding under the disguises. So far the show has produced eight celebrity winners. There was also a Christmas special that aired in 2021.


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