Finale: “Let’s Dance” finalists fight for victory

“Let’s Dance” finalists fight for victory

Amira Pocher and Mathias Mester hug. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Who will win the RTL dance show “Let’s Dance” this time? It remains exciting.

Tango, rumba and even the Smurfs: presenter Janin Ullmann, former Paralympic athlete Mathias Mester and circus artist René Casselly want to bring some momentum to the floor again in the final of the RTL dance show “Let’s Dance”.

On Thursday, RTL published the dances that the celebrities will show on Friday (May 20, 8:15 p.m.) to win the format. Ullmann, for example, will show a Cha Cha Cha with her dance partner Zsolt Sándor Cseke, while Casselly and her partner Kathrin Menzinger will show a tango. And with Mester and professional dancer Renata Lusin, a “final freestyle” on the subject of “The Smurfs” is on the program. There are three dances per couple.

The successor to ex-footballer Rúrik Gíslason, who was able to secure the title “Dancing Star” in 2021, will be chosen. As usual, the three jurors Joachim Llambi, Motsi Mabuse and Jorge González make the decision together with the spectators.

The 15th season of “Let’s Dance” is currently running. After the start in February, the process was repeatedly confused by corona infections among those involved.


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