Final Fantasy creator Square Enix says: This year will double ‘active investment’ in blockchain games.

Final Fantasy creator Square Enix reveals it will double down on blockchain game development despite crypto market turbulencefollowJanuary 1st letter from Japanese company president Yosuke Matsuda

The letter was named The purpose is to outline the company’s key achievements in 2022 and explain its plans for 2023. Out of the 15 paragraphs, seven are related to blockchain games. It shows that blockchain games are the main focus of the company’s investment strategy going forward.

“Blockchain entertainment” will be his team’s most focused investment in the medium term, Matsuda said. to which they have dedicated “Proactive investment and business development efforts”

He said new technologies are often “confusing” at first, but will eventually be accepted as part of everyday life. So if there is turmoil in the crypto market, this will not necessarily make investors doubt its potential.

Matsuda added that any technology that can overcome the “social trend” will gradually become a part of people’s lives. and eventually generate new business and growth.

“After the excitement surrounding NFT and the metaverse in 2021, 2022 is a year of great volatility in the blockchain-related space,” he said.

“however If this proves to be a step in the process that leads to creating rules and a more transparent business environment. It will certainly benefit the growth of blockchain entertainment.”

Matsuda also secretly ended the letter by hinting that Square Enix has several blockchain games in development. And more announcements will be made during the year 2023.

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