Film: How the Milli Vanilli hoax turned the pop world upside down

Milli Vanilli became superstars even though they couldn’t sing. Now the biggest bluff in German pop history is coming to the cinema.

Some myths grow as easily as primroses in the garden. So a music producer, his girlfriend, whose name is Milli, and two young dancers who dream of becoming stars, are sitting in a bungalow in the German countryside. There is potato soup and vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone for dessert. One of the dancers asks: “And what should we call ourselves?” Short silence, look at the girlfriend, well, Milli? “And further?” Long sucking on the ice. Everyone smiles.

It’s really supposed to have been like that, and you believe it straight away, because there are a lot of unbelievable things that follow that were actually like that. Back then, at the end of the 80s.

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