Film: 93 countries in the running for the Oscar abroad

93 countries in the running for the Oscar abroad

The Academy Awards are scheduled for March 27, 2022. Photo: Nicolas Armer / dpa

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The foreign Oscar is also highly competitive this year: The Academy received over 90 international applications. A tragic comedy by Maria Schrader is entering the race for Germany.

93 countries are applying for the so-called Foreign Oscar for 2022. This was announced by the Oscar Academy in Beverly Hills, California.

For Germany, Maria Schrader’s futuristic film “Ich bin dein Mensch” (I am your person) is going into the race in the “International Feature Film” category. Among the foreign candidates for the 94th Academy Awards next March, “The Gravedigger’s Wife” is the first contribution from Somalia.

Switzerland is represented with “Olga” by director Elie Grappe, Austria with the feature film “Große Freiheit” by Sebastian Meise, and France with “Titane” by director Julia Ducournau.

15 films in «Shortlist»

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences initially selects 15 films from all international applications. This “shortlist” is to be announced on December 21st. From this, five films will be nominated for the finals at the beginning of February. The Academy Awards are scheduled for March 27, 2022.

The German contribution to the Foreign Oscar 2021 was “And tomorrow the whole world” by director Julia von Heinz. The film was already eliminated from the preselection.

The tragic comedy “Ich bin dein Mensch” was selected for the Oscar race in mid-September by German Films, the foreign agency of German film. Maren Eggert plays a scientist who is supposed to test a humanoid robot (Dan Stevens) as a partner.


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