Fighting silverfish: This is the best way to do it

Fighting silverfish: Which (home) remedies help against the insects?

They are small, agile and prefer warm or humid places: silverfish

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They scurry across the floor at night in search of food: silverfish are harmless – but if they appear in large numbers, disgust grows. And you ask yourself: How do I get rid of the vermin?

The correct designation of the wingless insects is actually “silverfish”, but the name “silverfish” has prevailed in general usage. They shy away from daylight and crawl into dark cracks and joints during the day, hiding behind strips or loose wallpaper. At night they come out of hiding and go in search of food: their menu includes hair, dander and house dust mites, but also book covers or photos. In principle, they eat everything that contains starch – including sugar. Despite all this, the nocturnal insects are not pests whose presence can endanger our health. Quite the opposite. That doesn’t change the fact that many people are disgusted by silverfish and want to fight them. You can find out how this works best here.

Background knowledge: This is how you recognize silverfish

Adult silverfish, measured without antennae and tail, are only one centimeter long. Because of their silvery scales, the bodies of the insects have a metallic sheen, which is probably where the name comes from. The light-shy animals prefer warm rooms with high humidity, which is why they prefer to stay in kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms. The temperature there is usually between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius – ideal temperatures for the silverfish to multiply quickly: A female can lay up to 20 eggs.

After hatching their offspring just a few days later, it takes the insects a year to fully mature. Under optimal living conditions, they can live up to eight years. But even if they can no longer find food, silverfish do not die immediately – in fact, they can starve for several months. As for their reproduction, there are no fixed seasons in which they reproduce. The only important thing is that it is warm and humid, as insects cannot reproduce in cold and dry conditions.

Tips: How to fight silverfish

  1. The easiest method to control silverfish offer biological bait traps. These are small cans containing silverfish food and toxins. If the insects eat the contents, they die from it. The bait boxes are simply placed on the floor in the bathroom or kitchen for several days.
  2. Alternatively, there are also so-called pheromone traps – these are small adhesive strips that contain attractants for silverfish. Enter the insects glue trap, they stick to it and die. When buying, however, make sure that the trap is free of insecticides and also suitable for rooms with high humidity.
  3. If the two mentioned control agents are of no use, you can also resort to the chemical club. However, this is not entirely safe for children and pets, so you should find out in advance how you can do this spray apply correctly. If the infestation is severe, it is even advisable to call in a pest control specialist.

Are silverfish harmful to health?

Unlike other insects, silverfish are harmless to our health. In fact, they even have a benefit when they occur in large numbers: This is usually an indication that you have a moisture problem in your home or a mold infestation – because the animals also feed on fungal spores, among other things. They do not transmit diseases and, from a purely hygienic point of view, do not have to be disposed of. It’s all about the inner disgust that silverfish create. Apart from that, they are even useful for allergy sufferers, since house dust mites are also on their menu.

These home remedies fight silverfish

As mentioned at the beginning, silverfish like starchy foods. Potatoes are therefore predestined to catch the insects. To do this, halve a raw potato and hollow it out slightly. Then they score the edge so that the silverfish can crawl in – when they have placed half upside down on cling film. While the animals are busy eating, you can dispose of the trap.

Not only moths, but also silverfish are not friends of lavender. So that you can spread the smell throughout the room to drive away the animals, small ones are suitable lavender sachet particularly good. Alternatively, you can also enter a lavender oil use: Put a few drops of it in your cleaning water and use it to clean the floor in the kitchen, bathroom or laundry room.

Fighting with honey works in a similar way to the pheromone trap with adhesive strips: Spread a bit of the golden nectar on a strip of paper and leave it on the floor of the infested room overnight. The silverfish are attracted to the sweet smell and will cling to it as they scurry across the honey to gorge themselves on it.

baking powder
Even more effective is using baking powder in combination with sugar. This creates a natural poison for silverfish, which will pounce on the mixture and die shortly thereafter. This is due to the deadly mixture that swells up in the body of the insect. It is best to sprinkle the two ingredients together on a small plate and place it on the floor overnight.

lemon juice
Lemon juice is also an effective home remedy for silverfish. Mix the juice with some water and put the solution in a spray bottle. Then you can spray all the surfaces on which you have spotted the insects with the mixture. Completely harmless to humans, the animals take to their heels at the smell. However, there is no guarantee that all silverfish will really disappear.

How to prevent silverfish

If you are now wondering how you can prevent another infestation, even before you consider the first silverfish, you can use the following tips as a guide:

  • Ventilate the rooms regularly where it is particularly warm and humid. The cooler and drier a place is, the less attractive it becomes to silverfish.
  • Vacuum and mop your floors regularly to keep dander, hair or crumbs from lying around and attracting hungry silverfish.
  • Seal open or cracked joints and crevices. They are not only the entrance and exit of silverfish, but also popular hiding places for insects.
  • Remove moldy patches – these are not easy food for silverfish. Apart from that, it is better for your health as well.

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