Fighting pandemic: Retail warns of tightening the corona requirements

Pandemic Fight
Retail warns of tightening the corona requirements

In some federal states, the 2G rule applies to the retail trade with the exception of supermarkets and other shops with the necessary needs. Photo: Soeren Stache / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

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More and more federal states are introducing stricter corona rules for retailers. The trade association HDE is now criticizing that the vaccination debate is being carried out at the expense of the retail trade.

In view of the tightening of the corona regulations in more and more federal states, the trade association HDE has warned of further restrictions for the retail sector.

“2G or 3G in retail make no noticeable contribution to infection protection,” said HDE managing director Stefan Genth on Wednesday in Berlin. «The retail trade is not a source of infection. The solo efforts of some federal states therefore miss the target. “

With proven hygiene concepts, distance regulations and, in particular, the mask requirement, retailers have ensured that shopping is safe since the beginning of the pandemic, emphasized Genth. Politicians seem to have decided to force the unvaccinated to be vaccinated at the back of the retail trade. “This is the wrong way,” said Genth. To put the existence of many traders in danger in order to convince the unreasonable of the corona vaccination is cynical from the point of view of many trading companies.


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