Fighting in the center of Kiev… The Ukrainian army says it repelled a Russian attack

5:30 a.m .: Update on the situation as day breaks in Ukraine

It’s 6:30 a.m. in Ukraine, and Russian forces haven’t made any major advances overnight:

– In Kiev, Ukrainian forces claim to have repelled a Russian “attack” on Victory Avenue. Heavy firefights were heard throughout the night but remained relatively isolated.

– Ukrainian forces claim to have shot down two IL-76 military transport planes. The information has not been independently confirmed. If so, it would be a major victory for Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense, seen as a major weak point. These planes can carry up to 150 paratroopers and light armor.

– In the South, the city of Kherson suffered significant damage but the ex-spokesman of Zelensky affirmed at 6:00 am (local time) that the city was still under Ukrainian control.

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