Fight against the pandemic: Corona rules for autumn on the way

Politicians want to be better prepared this time for the expected corona wave at the end of the year. The government is now presenting concrete proposals. Government flights of all things fuel the excitement.

After only a few corona requirements in the summer, stricter requirements for pandemic protection are approaching again in the autumn. The Federal Cabinet launched a draft that provides for more extensive rules on masks and tests from October 1st to April 7th, 2023. The countries should be able to impose them and expand them in critical situations.

FFP2 masks are to be compulsory nationwide on airplanes and long-distance trains, nursing homes and clinics. After furor surrounding a chancellor’s plane flight where no masks were worn, there are calls for government aircraft rules to be corrected.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) warned that the pandemic should continue to be taken seriously. “Autumn will be difficult.” The tightening is “absolutely necessary” and he hopes that the countries will use the framework. “We’re starting to get used to the high death toll and also the very high number of long-Covid cases. And we can’t do that.” Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) said many had the feeling: “Can’t all this crap just be over?” But the virus is not gone. He spoke of a “moderate and measured concept” that forms a “maximum framework”.

The federal rules

FFP2 masks are to be worn nationwide on airplanes and long-distance trains. The obligation already exists, but so far a simpler surgical mask has sufficed. In the future, this should only be possible for children between the ages of 6 and 14 and for staff. Lauterbach explained that FFP2 masks offer significantly better protection against the more contagious virus variant BA.5. The aviation industry protested against such a national tightening of the mask requirement, which is already difficult to convey to many passengers.

Nationwide, the FFP2 mask requirement should also apply in clinics and nursing homes as well as for employees of outpatient care services. In addition, a negative test should be presented before entering the facilities. In order to strengthen the protection of those in need of care who are particularly at risk, homes should appoint officers who take care of vaccinations, hygiene and therapies for those who are sick, for example with the drug Paxlovid. For the extra effort, the homes should receive special payments of 1000 euros per month.

The first country level

From October 1st, the states should be able to impose conditions on themselves. This also includes the obligation to wear masks in local transport with buses and trains. However, masks should again become mandatory in publicly accessible indoor spaces such as shops and restaurants – with the mandatory exception that you do not need a mask if you show a negative test in gastronomy and at cultural, leisure or sporting events.

Lauterbach explained that this could even provide more protection in restaurants, since you take off the mask when you eat. Buschmann pointed to events in clubs or at public viewings at the upcoming World Cup where masks made no sense. According to criticism, the countries should only be able to use another exception option, but no longer have to use it: People with a maximum three-month-old proof of being fully vaccinated and recovered can therefore be exempted from the mask requirement. The federal states should also be able to impose mask requirements in schools – but only from the fifth grade.

The second country level

In the case of a regionally more critical corona situation, the federal states should be able to impose further requirements. This includes, for example, the obligation to wear a mask at events outside if a minimum distance of 1.50 meters is not possible there. Hygiene concepts with disinfectants, ventilation and contact avoidance for companies and other facilities can be prescribed. In addition, visitor limits for indoor events are possible.

This “second compartment of the toolbox” has two “padlocks” as a prerequisite, Buschmann explained: The measures cannot simply be imposed by the state government, a state parliament resolution should be necessary. In addition, due to the corona development, a specific threat to the health system or other important areas of care for a specific region must be determined – in an overall view of infection numbers and other indicators.

Rules for Government Airmen

The cabinet decision, of all things, caused a stir, triggered by the trip to Canada by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens). Habeck and journalists sitting close together without masks could be seen in pictures from the Luftwaffe jet – while the legal mask requirement generally applies to airplanes. The Ministry of Defense reiterated the view that general rules of the Infection Protection Act do not apply to the military. Lauterbach and Buschmann also stated that the rules of readiness to fly had been observed, with the addition of PCR tests for all passengers on the first departure from Berlin.

However, Buschmann added: “Politically, I would recommend that the federal government apply the same rules that apply elsewhere.” Otherwise, of course, the feeling would arise that one would be willing to expect something from citizens that one would not want to expect from oneself. SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert said on RTL / ntv: “I think there will have to be improvements.” There is a dissonance: “If everyone on the holiday plane has to wear it and not in the government, then that creates a form of resentment.”

The Schedule

The draft approved by the cabinet is now going to the coalition factions, and the Bundestag could pass the law on September 8 after further deliberations. The Federal Council, which meets on September 16th, also has to agree. The current corona regulations in the Infection Protection Act, which expire on September 23, should then be replaced. Lauterbach spoke out in favor of talking to the federal states about “as much uniformity as possible” when it comes to implementation.

Criticism came from the opposition. The Union health expert Tino Sorge (CDU) said that the pictures from the government plane and the rules that had been passed for masks to be worn on airplanes did not go together. “The acceptance of the measures in the population was done a disservice.” State requirements should generally be limited to what is necessary and focus more precisely on vulnerable groups. FDP Vice Wolfgang Kubicki called the concept in the “world” disappointing. Frank Schäffler (FDP) warned of too many opportunities for the states to interfere with personal rights.

Press Release Ministry of Health Draft approved by cabinet


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