Fight against Covid-19: Crisis team chief: “30 million vaccinations are to be created”

Fight against Covid-19
Crisis team chief: “30 million vaccinations are to be created”

Major General of the Bundeswehr Carsten Breuer – head of the new Corona crisis team in the Chancellery. Photo: Robert Michael / dpa

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A high vaccination rate is a central component in the pandemic strategy of the new federal government. The head of the new Corona crisis team in the Chancellery, Major General Carsten Breuer, is confident.

The head of the new Corona crisis team in the Chancellery, Major General Carsten Breuer, has shown himself confident that the government’s target of 30 million vaccinations can be achieved by the end of the year.

More than 24.4 million people have been vaccinated since mid-November. There are now just under two weeks left. “The 30 million can be created,” said Breuer of “Bild am Sonntag”. The vaccination target is calculated based on a federal-state round on November 18th.

A high vaccination rate is a central component in the strategy of the new federal government made up of the SPD, Greens and FDP to combat the pandemic. Breuer emphasized that the pace had to be maintained during the Christmas season. “The week before and the week after Christmas are of enormous importance.” Many people would have free time, and therefore time, to get vaccinated. He himself will also be on duty at Christmas. “Of course I’ll be on the crisis team on Christmas Eve. The situation in the country makes this necessary. “

Regarding the debate about the best vaccine, the general said: “There is no good or bad vaccine, only available.” The new omicron variant of the virus shows that one must be able to react quickly to new developments. According to the report, Breuer wants vaccination centers no longer to be dismantled in the future, but only to be mothballed so that they can be operational again within a few days. “In the future, we want to be able to vaccinate the majority of the population at any time within weeks.”


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