Fifteen years later, what has become of Doyoubuzz, an online CV site and one of the first start-ups in Nantes?

Far from the good old Word format, the online CV is now widely acclaimed by working people and recruiters. A vein that had already felt Doyoubuzz fifteen years ago, when it was created. With Ludovic Simon and Julien Maleinge, Jérémie Pottier then created one of the first start-ups in Nantes. A business concept still a little vague in 2007. “There was this idea of ​​growing quickly, having lots of users and changing the world. The start-up is also about the disruptive side, with a bit of an American ambition,” recalls Jérémie. Today, Nantes is not Silicon Valley, but the city has clearly taken the digital bandwagon.

The proof with the Digital Canteen, a workplace in which Doyoubuzz participated during its creation. The City of the Dukes has evolved in 15 years, and its web economy with it. As for Doyoubuzz, the start-up has seen this universe evolve alongside it. And she, too, has grown since then. Doyoubuzz has about three million registered people. The website offers the creation of CVs online and also turns to consulting companies, to facilitate recruitment. The site also offers its users help in prioritizing their resumes, through online workshops. “It unlocks things and users appreciate this offer. Because what is hard in the CV is that there is not necessarily a manual”, explains Jérémie Pottier.

“Learning to Sell Yourself”

Here, Doyoubuzz makes its expertise speak. The CV no longer holds any secrets for its co-founder. “Some say it takes six seconds for a recruiter to validate a CV. Making a CV is like writing a sales brochure. You have to ask yourself what the company needs, and how do I convince it that I can bring it this or that skill, by illustrating it with my experiences”. The advice provided by the Nantes platform then makes a difference to users. “Before, the mental workload we had was just to do something pretty. The challenge today for us is to teach the user how to sell themselves well. »

With competition from big platforms like Viadeo Where
LinkedIn, Doyoubuzz has been able to adapt over the years. The start-up and its six employee shareholders, which now defines itself as an SME, wishes to continue its development by focusing its strategy on advising individuals, but also recruitment companies. “This B to B part has become important for five years. After fifteen years of existence, the Nantes start-up has grown to become today one of the benchmarks for online CVs.

A year ago, Doyoubuzz chose to change its organization by opting for the four-day week. “We decide collectively and the question has been asked. We discussed any fears and we tested, ”says Jérémie Pottier. “We waited six months before really getting started. Then we took stock every week to find out if things were going well. Result: “The results are obvious, we have no loss of productivity, we even have the impression of being more efficient”. This four-day week eliminates the superfluous according to the co-founder of Doyoubuzz. “When you look at our rhythms of life, they are quite crazy. This organization creates a new space during the week”, concludes Jérémie Pottier, who would not go back for anything in the world.

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