Fifteen elected LR from Nice, hostile to Eric Ciotti, announce leaving the party

Fifteen elected LR members, members of the majority of the mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi, of the metropolis or of the Alpes-Maritimes department, announced on Monday their departure, “before dishonoring themselves”, from the Les Républicains party, of which they contest the evolution under the influence of Eric Ciotti.

Among the starters are Anthony Borré, first deputy mayor of Nice, and several deputies as well as Pierre-Paul Leonelli, vice-president of the Nice-Côte-d’Azur metropolis and regional elected. Joseph Segura, mayor of Saint-Laurent-du-Var and departmental councilor and his first deputy, Thomas Berettoni, also regional councilor, also announced their departure. Nearly 250 LR members from Nice have also announced that they are leaving the party.

Pécresse “taken hostage”

“We can see today that Valérie Pécresse”, the Republican presidential candidate, “is taken hostage by the” zémmourisation “imposed by Eric Ciotti”, told AFP a relative of the starters to explain this collective decision after the internal primary which saw the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes Eric Ciotti arrive at the head of the first round and obtain 39.05% in the second round.

The mayor of Nice and president of the Nice metropolis, Christian Estrosi, opened the way on May 6 by slamming the door of LR by calling for a clarification on the position vis-à-vis the National Rally. Considered “Macron-compatible”, he then launched his political movement “daring France”, arguing that it was “time to reconstitute a large political formation” of the center-right.

“More Republicans Than Name”

Mr. Ciotti said on September 5 that he would vote for the far-right polemicist in the event of a duel between him and outgoing President Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election, an assertion he did not repeat then. “Because we are attached to the Gaullist values ​​which make the presidential election a moment of truth and unification. Because we have never hesitated to block the far right when the opportunity arises, while some openly come to terms with it. Because it is inconceivable to have the slightest word of support in favor of Eric Zemmour and to call to vote for him ”, indicated the elected officials of Nice to justify their departure.

“Because some who have no more Republicans than the name, have definitely turned their backs on their political history and our values. Because in reality, it is our party that has left us since it was led by a faction. Because we are from the Republican right and sometimes loyalty means leaving before dishonoring yourself, ”they added.

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