FFP2 mask for children: These mini models exist

corona pandemic
FFP2 masks for children: what can the mini models do?

FFP masks are designed to protect the wearer and those around him from the coronavirus. Children’s choices are limited. The requirements are high. What mini models are there and what does Stiftung Warentest say?

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The requirements for FFP2 masks for children are high. Not only should they sit securely and snugly on the face, but they should also allow the little one enough air to breathe. Buying tips and everything else you should know about FFP2 masks for children.

The omicron variant of the corona virus has been spreading across Germany since the beginning of the year. The nationwide 7-day incidence is increasing daily. In schools and day-care centers, elementary school students and small children are increasingly becoming infected with the apparently highly contagious corona pathogen. Protecting this vulnerable group is one of many challenges that politics and society are currently facing. A correctly worn mouth and nose cover, as numerous studies have shown, is one of the most important measures, alongside vaccination, to protect yourself and others from infection or at least to minimize the risk of infection. This applies equally to adults and children. But while FFP masks for adults are plentiful and can be bought almost anywhere, the choice for small faces is rather limited.

FFP2 masks for children: This is important when buying

Putting a normal-sized FFP2 mask on daycare children and abc shooters not only looks silly. It is uncomfortable and does not protect either the child or those around him. But what do you have to pay attention to if the junior is to be equipped with an FFP2 mask instead of a surgical mask in the future? First of all, you should pay attention to the so-called CE mark, because only these products are also approved in the European Union. “The masks must regularly meet the requirements of the DIN EN 149:2009-08 standard,” says the website Federal Institute for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products.

You can usually tell whether the masks are specially tailored to small faces by the instructions on the packaging. Look for something like “Comfort S”, “Size Small”, “Mini” or “Mini XS”. According to a recent Test of FFP2 masks (December 2021) for children recommends the Stiftung Warentest also the one mask from 3M, which was actually developed for adults. The model 3M Aura 9320+ offers a breathing comfort that is okay for children compared to others, according to the testers. In addition, the filter effect is high and the fit is suitable for children. For continuous use at school, the Stiftung Warentest recommends the more comfortable ones surgical masks. In places where there is an increased risk of infection in a short period of time, such as on public transport, the 3M model fulfills its purpose, according to Stiftung Warentest.

Instead of the mask in standard white, some manufacturers rely on patterns and child-friendly designs for mouth and nose protection for children. Some also offer their FFP2 masks at least in alternate colors on. Of course, the CE marking is also mandatory here. The two main differences between the masks for adults and those for children are the size of the filter and the length of the elastics. In size S, the mini masks are also recommended for men and women with small faces.

Source:Stiftung Warentest

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