Fête de la Musique 2022: What to do in Bordeaux?

This Tuesday is the 40th edition of the Music Festival. If the proposals of the collectives and artists will not miss in the streets of Bordeaux, 20 minutes offers you five party ideas, all free and with a variety of musical styles.

A complete electro show at Saint Projet

For the Fête de la Musique, the famous floating bar I.Boat offers, with the cultural association Trafic, an evening from 7 p.m. to midnight on Place Saint-Projet (Saint-Pierre district). On the program: 100% electro music, several regular DJs at the bar (Doux Jesus, Jackie Lynn, Juniore Super and Leroy Washington) and Romain FX, resident of the establishment and guest for the evening. The lighting and video creations will be managed by the Bruit Rose collective. A refreshment bar will also be available on site.

A good plan for Ukulele lovers, in Talence

Go to Peixotto Park to watch the harmony orchestra concert and the Young Band Orchestra of the Municipal School of Music and Dance. For lovers of electro music, a lounge set will also be offered until 11 p.m. A concert by the Ukulélé Club de Bordeaux will take place from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., and refreshments and food trucks will be available on site

A musical evening with Jamaican accents at the Bastide

At the Bastide, the collective Wandem Sound System, organizer of Bordeaux Dub School events, offers an evening on the banks of the Garonne from 7 p.m. A musical event, costumed and with Jamaican accents. Artists Wandem, Lix Dub and Mineral Soundz will be present. Refreshments and catering will be available on site.

The association Allez Les Filles and Bordeaux Rock take over Square Dom Bedos for the music festival. – Nicolas Pulcrano

Rock atmosphere near the Sainte-Croix church

Notice to rock lovers, this evening is made for you! The association Allez Les Filles and Bordeaux Rock offer in Square Dom Bedos (next to the Sainte-Croix church) five rock and punk concerts, from 6 p.m. The bands Datcha Mandala (1970s rock), Sweat Like an Ape! (dancing post punk) or Bilbao Kung-Fu (energetic rock) will be present. A bar and food trucks will also be on site, and prizes will be up for grabs.

DJs make you dance place Pey-Berland

Proposed by the cultural collectives Amplitudes, Cmd + O (pronounced “Commando”) and Orangeade, this evening will take place place Pey Berland, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Nine DJs from these three collectives will be present, each to offer their musical universe, including “eclectic, sharp and avant-garde sets”.

Music in parks and gardens

In the afternoon, many musical proposals will take place from 4:30 p.m.
Cultural associations and local artists will offer a free musical and family program in the parks and gardens: discovery and practice workshops, open stages, concerts… At the Parc Rivière, for example, the Bordeaux Chanson association offers a family concert from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. More info on www.bordeaux.fr

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