“Ferrari” premiere in Venice: is it still art or already cultural appropriation?

First Gucci, now Ferrari: Adam Driver once again embodies a famous Italian. With him and director Michael Mann, two Americans of all people amaze in Venice with a new look at the racing car pioneer Enzo Ferrari.

Anyone who is already looking forward to the usual Dolce Vita at the mention of the name Ferrari will have to wait a long time when hearing “Ferrari”. Wherever you look: Nowhere is spaghetti being rolled or espressi poured. There are no scenes on the beach chairs and no wild hand waving. The new film by US director Michael Mann (“Heat”, “Collateral”, “Miami Vice”) develops a psychograph of one of the most legendary entrepreneurs and products Made in Italy, but it almost completely omits the usual dressing. Here men go to work in suits or at least smart shirts, a woman takes care of the banking affairs and the mother is pragmatically strict and implacable instead of motherly.

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