Feminine rivalries, poison of the patriarchal society

“There is nothing worse than women among themselves”. Marie-Aldine Girard, journalist and actress, wondered about this commonly accepted phrase, and took it as the subtitle of her essay. Rivals, published by Flammarion editions. This theme, that of jealousy and female rivalry, inspires the authors this fall. Two other tests End female rivalry by Elisabeth Cadoche and Anne De Montarlot (Les Arènes editions) and The Anti-Mother by Marie-Estelle Dupont (Albin Michel editions), have just been published.

Female rivalry born out of fear and a struggle for limited resources

Why do we see the other woman as a rival? Where does this rivalry take root? How does it manifest itself socially today? How to end it, questions Marie-Aldine Girard in her essay. His word is mixed with some forty testimonies from women who return, in particular, to the misogyny of women among themselves, rivalry in the family and professional domains, competition and criticism of women’s bodies among themselves. The author returns in particular to the “slut-shaming”, the stigmatization and the guilt of women whose physique, behavior, outfit, way of making up or the number of partners would be considered provocative.

Five years after the launch of #MeToo, a broad movement for the liberation of women’s speech, Marie-Aldine Girard analyzes these relationships between women who hate and destroy each other. She reminds us that they are built in a patriarchal society, where the man remains the judge, dominating and belittling the women. The author also calls for sisterhood, and benevolence, in order to change the patriarchal society.

Marie-Aldine Girard is the guest of our podcast “ Wait a minute ! “. In this episode, she returns in particular to the difference between competition and female rivalries, the rivalry about the beauty of women, but also to the criticisms about sorority, the specific solidarity between women, in the face of the violence of society. and men.

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