Felix Neureuther: From destroyer to protector – Munich

“Not proud, but happy”: Felix Neureuther, a former skier and frequent flyer, presents a book to save the mountains.

Book presentation at Sport Schuster? Great, the stylish and cute Alpina Bar on the ground floor is ideal: wonderful coffee, amazing cakes and countless other delicacies are served from the kitchen. Unfortunately, at the appointed time there was no sign of Felix Neureuther and Michael Ruhland, the authors of the new work with the rather heavy title “The Heritage of the Alps”. The two of them have already been standing six floors up, in a small room next to the roof terrace, at eye level with Old Peter, and after less than two minutes they are in the middle of a topic that they could talk about for hours: preserving traditions and values, conscious handling nature, sustainability instead of mass tourism.

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