Feldkirchen – the southern bypass is back on the table – Munich district

For a long time it only existed in the minds of many people from Feldkirch; they hardly dared to hope that the southern bypass would actually come. About two years ago, however, the planning picked up speed again, and now they are becoming more and more detailed. In the most recent meeting of the municipal council, the members of the committee dealt with the specification of the possible route and the question of the costs for the construction of the road.

The route is to be around 1.6 kilometers long, and the municipality hopes that this will bring considerable relief. From the roundabout on the B471 at the southern outskirts of town, it should lead in the direction of Messestadt, where it should finally lead into Münchner Strasse. Three sub-variants are being discussed for the route. They only differ slightly, sometimes straighter, sometimes more curvy. All include a pedestrian and cycle path on the south side of the roadway. The municipal administration now wants to discuss which route will be chosen with the Freising State Building Authority and other authorities involved.

Depending on which route is followed, the Obermeyer planning office estimates the pure construction costs at between 7.6 and 8.1 million euros. It is currently unclear who will ultimately finance the construction. In principle, the municipality would be responsible, as Feldkirchen’s mayor Andreas Janson (Independent Voters’ Association) explained. But the district has the southern bypass checked in a feasibility study – if this shows that the road is of supra-local importance, there is a good chance that the district office will bear the costs.

In the past, plans for the bypass fell through, among other things, due to negotiations with the owners of the land over which the new road would pass. As Janson announced, new talks had already taken place. “The owners are basically ready to give up the reason.” Nevertheless, the mayor remains cautious in his assessment: “But that doesn’t mean that they will actually sell.”

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