Federal Statistical Office: Breweries are brewing more non-alcoholic beverages

Status: 08/02/2022 12:26 p.m

Whether Pils, wheat or Kölsch – many types of beer are now available non-alcoholic. And they are apparently becoming more popular in Germany: breweries are producing more and more non-alcoholic beer and mixed beer drinks.

Many breweries in Germany produce more non-alcoholic beer than they did a few years ago. Since 2011, the production of non-alcoholic Pilsner, wheat beer and Kölsch has increased by 74 percent reported by the Federal Statistical Office.

In 2021, 411 million liters of non-alcoholic beverages were produced

Measured in liters, the following picture emerges: According to the Federal Statistical Office, a good 236 million liters of alcohol-free beer were brewed in 2011 – in 2021 it was a good 411 million liters. The value was 358 million euros.

Also more mixed beer drinks than a few years ago

Mixed beer drinks such as Radler are somewhat lower-percentage than regular beer, but not entirely alcohol-free. Their production has also increased over the past ten years: according to Destatis, mixed varieties have increased by 23.6 percent. In the same period, the production of alcoholic beer fell by 13.8 percent.

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