Federal-state consultations: Additional corona measures in sight

Status: 11/30/2021 5:58 p.m.

New vaccination offensive, mask requirement in schools and more restrictions for unvaccinated people: the federal and state governments are planning tougher measures. We are talking about an “act of national solidarity”. A general vaccination requirement is approaching.

In consultations with Chancellor Angela Merkel and her designated successor Olaf Scholz, the federal and state governments have apparently agreed on new, additional corona measures. In a preliminary paper corresponding to the ARD capital studio is available, it is said that an “act of national solidarity” is intended to ensure that the number of infections falls and the burden on the health system is relieved.

Decision expected on Thursday

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and government spokesman Steffen Seibert each announced that the details should be approved in a next step at the Prime Minister’s Conference on Thursday. This is followed by implementation in the regulations of the federal states.

According to the preliminary paper, the plans of the federal and state governments envisage starting a new vaccination offensive by Christmas. Until then, you need up to 30 million additional vaccinations in the form of booster, first and second vaccinations. For this purpose, a federal-state crisis team has already been set up, which will immediately start its work. He takes care of any problems that arise, for example with logistics and vaccine deliveries. Bundeswehr General Carsten Breuer is to lead this crisis team, as government spokesman Seibert confirmed.

Expand the circle of authorized persons for vaccination

In order to implement the vaccination campaign, the group of those authorized to carry out vaccinations is to be expanded – for example to pharmacists and nursing staff. Because the vaccination protection decreases significantly over time, the vaccination status should lose its recognition as “complete” after six months, it said.

In addition, the federal and state governments are apparently considering a nationwide 2G rule in retail. Accordingly, only vaccinated and recovered people are allowed to enter shops. Exceptions are shops for daily needs.

Strict contact restrictions for unvaccinated people

The federal and state governments are also planning strict contact restrictions for unvaccinated people. Private get-togethers in public or private spaces, in which non-vaccinated and unconcealed people take part, should then be limited to one’s own household and a maximum of two people from another household. Children up to 14 years of age should be exempt from this.

In regions with a high incidence or hospitalization rate, clubs, discos and similar facilities are planned to be closed in the future. Initially, however, nothing was known about limit values.

“Full football stadiums not acceptable”

Overall, major events are to be significantly restricted. Full football stadiums like last weekend are “unacceptable,” it said. In addition to the 2G rule, a 2GPlus rule is conceivable, i.e. an additional current corona test.

According to the preliminary paper, a general mask requirement for all grade levels is planned in schools.

Vaccination required from February under discussion

The introduction of a general compulsory vaccination was also discussed. The Bundestag will decide on this in a timely manner on the basis of group motions, it said. The compulsory vaccination could take effect as soon as everyone who now decides to be vaccinated. This could be the case from the beginning of February, for example.

Scholz had previously shown sympathy for a general compulsory vaccination against Corona. The vote in the Bundestag should take place without group pressure, said Scholz, according to media reports in the group today.

The “Spiegel” quoted Scholz from the ongoing negotiations as saying that it was important “that we establish a general compulsory vaccination”. The SPD politician said: “As a member of parliament, I will agree with her in any case, so that I can be very clear.” In his opinion, compulsory vaccination should begin “when everyone had a realistic chance of being vaccinated twice,” the magazine quoted further.

Appeal from the Medical Association

The German Medical Association is also in favor of a general compulsory corona vaccination. “A very high vaccination rate is the only way to get out of the endless lockdown loop with massive psychosocial collateral effects, especially for children and adolescents,” said a letter from the Presidium to the participants in the federal-state consultations. The federal government must immediately create legal regulations for a constitutionally guaranteed vaccination requirement for all adults who have no medical contraindications.

Kretschmann for the decision on the epidemic situation

The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), called for the epidemic situation to be re-proclaimed of national importance. “Without this decision, we have asymmetry in the corona measures,” said Kretschmann. According to the Infection Protection Act, the federal states are allowed to close cultural venues, but not shops or fairs. “If we close theaters but have to leave brothels open, you can imagine the discussion,” said Kretschmann.

With information from the ARD capital studio

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