Federal Parliament election 2021: Overhang and compensatory mandates – Bavaria

MPs who have neither won a constituency nor moved in via the state list can also be sent to Berlin by the parties. Why is that possible?

Not elected, but still a chance at the Bundestag: In this Bundestag election, too, the parties will be able to send Bavarian MPs to Berlin without them having won an electoral district or moving in via the state list. This is made possible by overhang and compensation mandates. However, whoever comes to the Bundestag this way will only be “calculated on the basis of the final result,” according to the state election committee. It will take a while until then, from Tuesday onwards, the votes cast will be checked.

At least theoretical prospects for a mandate thus have those who lead the list successor. According to the State Statistical Office, Heike Heubach (Augsburg-Land constituency) comes first in the Bavarian SPD; with the Greens Beate Walter-Rosenheimer (Fürstenfeldbruck), with the FDP Nils Jan founder (Amberg). According to the current status, the Bundestag has 735 members, the target size is 598. In simplified terms, there are overhang seats when a party receives more direct seats through the first vote than it is entitled to after the second vote. The overhang is intended to compensate for compensation mandates for other parties. The CSU has won 45 direct mandates, but according to calculations by election researcher Robert Vehrkamp, ​​it is only entitled to 34 seats

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