Federal Ministry of Defense: 5000 military helmets for Ukraine

As of: 01/26/2022 3:28 p.m

Germany wants to deliver 5,000 military helmets to Ukraine – that’s a “very clear signal,” says Defense Minister Lambrecht. The Ukrainian ambassador, on the other hand, speaks of a “purely symbolic gesture”.

Federal Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht has announced the delivery of 5,000 military protective helmets to Ukraine. The Ukrainian government asked for support in equipping its soldiers, said the SPD politician after a meeting of the Defense Committee in the Bundestag. “We checked that immediately and we will deliver 5,000 helmets to Ukraine.” This is a “very clear signal: we stand by your side,” she said.

The Ukrainian ambassador Andriy Melnyk welcomed the announced delivery of the helmets, but at the same time criticized them as a “purely symbolic gesture”. It was “just a drop in the bucket, it’s not even a consolation,” he told the dpa news agency. “Ukraine is expecting a 180-degree about-face from the federal government, a true paradigm shift.”

“Equipment, Not Weapons”

Ukraine fears a Russian attack and has recently called for arms deliveries from Germany on several occasions. In the traffic light coalition, however, she was met with overwhelming rejection.

On January 19, the government in Kiev wrote to the Ministry of Defense asking for equipment assistance, citing helmets and protective vests as needed. According to the ministry, no specific quantities were requested.

“This is equipment, these are not weapons,” Lambrecht said about the delivery of helmets. “But that helps, that gives support. And that’s exactly how we will continue to work in this conflict.”

Lambrecht emphasizes red lines

The minister welcomed the fact that talks on the Ukraine conflict are getting back on track. “We are working to resolve this conflict peacefully in the middle of Europe,” she said. In the meeting with the defense politicians, she made it clear “how important it is that we all keep a cool head”. Existing discussion formats would have to be used. If Russia and Ukraine are now back at the table in the Normandy format, this is “an important, a real sign”.

At the same time, Lambrecht emphasized that there were red lines in these talks that could not be negotiated. “The observance of international law cannot be negotiated. The integrity of states and the sovereignty of the alliance cannot be discussed.”

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