Federal government: New dispute: Union attests traffic light incapacity to govern

federal government
New dispute: Union attests traffic light incapacity to govern

CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt sharply criticizes the federal government. photo

© Peter Kneffel/dpa

The planned tax breaks for companies cause unrest in the cabinet. The Union is harshly criticizing the federal government and Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

After the coalition dispute about the planned tax breaks for companies, CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt government sharply criticized.

“One can hardly present a concentrated inability to govern and a lack of common will to govern more obviously,” said the chairman of the CSU deputies in the Bundestag of the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. “The dispute traffic light goes into the next round.”

Harsh criticism of Chancellor Scholz

CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann took responsibility for Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). “Germany is no longer just the sick man of Europe, but of the world. Citizens and companies rightly expect the Federal Chancellor to finally take the leadership that he promised and bring our country forward,” said Linnemann of the ” New Osnabrück newspaper”.

Contrary to what was planned, the cabinet yesterday did not pass the so-called Growth Opportunities Act by Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) – a legislative package with tax policy measures intended to relieve the economy by around 6.5 billion euros a year. Family Minister Lisa Paus blocked the project, and the FDP spoke of an attempt at blackmail. The Greens politician calls for more money for basic child security.

Scholz was nevertheless confident during a performance in North Rhine-Westphalia on Wednesday: “We will pass a law on growth opportunities this month.”


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