Federal Government: New Commissioners: Aviation, SMEs, Maritime

Federal government
New representatives: aviation, medium-sized companies, maritime

Claudia Müller in the port of Stralsund. Photo: Stefan Sauer / dpa

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The Federal Government Commissioners are the contact persons primarily for industry associations and companies.

The federal government has appointed the new commissioners for aviation, medium-sized businesses, the maritime industry and tourism.

As government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said after a cabinet meeting in Berlin, the Greens politician Claudia Müller will become the federal government’s new coordinator for maritime industry and tourism.

The Green politician Anna Christmann will be the new coordinator for aerospace. Michael Kellner (Greens), Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics, becomes the representative for medium-sized companies. The Federal Government Commissioners are the contact persons primarily for industry associations and companies. First, the «Wirtschaftswoche» reported on the personal details.

Expansion of climate-neutral shipping

The federal government’s new coordinator for the maritime industry, Claudia Müller (Greens), wants to promote the expansion of climate-neutral shipping. “In Germany and, if possible, in Europe too, we have to rely on climate-neutral drives and thus make Europe more sustainable as a shipyard location,” said Müller of the German Press Agency after her appointment. Müller succeeds the CDU politician Norbert Brackmann in this office.

Müller emphasized that the maritime economy also includes offshore technology. When building offshore wind farms, environmental and natural aspects played a major role. She announced that she would deal intensively with the issue of ammunition clearance in the Baltic and North Sea, where enormous safety and environmental risks are hidden.

Boost expected from traffic light government

The Vice President of the Federal Association of the German Aerospace Industry (BDLI), Marco Fuchs, expects the new traffic light government to give his industry a significant boost. In this context, he welcomed the appointment of the Green politician Anna Christmann as the new aerospace coordinator of the federal government as an important step.

She must now ensure that what is in the coalition agreement on space travel is put into practice. “Namely, that we belong to the areas that play a decisive role in the transformation of Germany,” said Fuchs, who is also CEO of the Bremen space company OHB, of the German press agency.

“As space travel, of course, we have the huge advantage of being based in a very strong ministry for industry issues, and Economics Minister Robert Habeck is Vice Chancellor,” continued Fuchs. The OHB boss advocated supporting space projects based on their usefulness. “That means that priority will be given to projects that really bring something for society and humanity.”

These included, for example, climate, environmental and earth observation. “That has to be at the top of the agenda, and the priority in spending money has to coincide with the priority in the issues.”


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