Federal Foreign Minister: Baerbock justifies German arms deliveries to Ukraine

Federal Foreign Minister
Baerbock justifies German arms deliveries to Ukraine

Annalena Baerbock speaks at the state party conference of the Brandenburg Greens. Photo: Bernd Settnik/dpa

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Russia’s attack on Ukraine is an attack on the peace order, says Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. Nevertheless, one cannot intervene directly in the war.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) has justified arms deliveries to Ukraine in view of the Russian war of aggression. “When the world changes, politics must change,” said Baerbock on Saturday in Cottbus at a Green party conference.

“We support the Ukrainians so that they can defend themselves and that they can fight for their security and their peace.”

Baerbock warned that Putin’s aggression, which violates international law, is not only an attack on the sovereignty of Ukraine and on 40 million Ukrainians, but also an attack on the European peace order. However, one cannot intervene directly in the war because this would endanger Ukraine’s neighboring countries, which are members of NATO. “It is important that we condemn this war in the strongest possible terms and state clearly who can end this war – and that is the Russian President.”

Baerbock: “See that the sanctions hit”

The Foreign Minister referred to tough sanctions that had been imposed on Russia. “We see that the sanctions are hit because Putin suddenly demands that energy be paid for in rubles,” said Baerbock. You shouldn’t give in, she emphasized: “The contracts are concluded in euros or dollars and are also paid in euros or dollars. We’re not playing this game.”

Baerbock also pointed out the necessary support for war refugees. “Yesterday we launched an airlift as a signal that further flights will follow throughout Europe and across the Atlantic,” said the Foreign Minister. “It will be thousands of flights. Eight to ten million refugees will come and we will take them all in.”

Germany supplies fuel

Meanwhile, according to Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht, Germany has not only supplied Ukraine with weapons, but also with large quantities of fuel. This was bought in Poland, said the SPD politician to the editorial network Germany. “Overall, we deliver, and we deliver consistently.” She rejected allegations of slow arms deliveries. But she can understand Ukraine’s impatience, said Lambrecht.

On Friday evening it became known that more weapons from Germany had arrived in Ukraine to fight against the Russian attackers. According to information from Ukrainian government circles, this includes 1,500 Strela anti-aircraft missiles and 100 MG3 machine guns. There are also 8 million rounds of ammunition for handguns and other equipment.


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