Federal Environment Agency: “Traffic is heading in the wrong direction”

Status: 04.11.2021 8:33 a.m.

Higher fuel prices, abolish commuter flat rates, introduce speed limits and car tolls: The Federal Environment Agency is proposing drastic measures so that the climate targets in the transport sector can be achieved.

The transport sector is the only area that has not reduced its greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990: The Federal Environment Agency is calling for massive adjustments to be made. “When it comes to climate protection, traffic is heading in the wrong direction,” said the President of the Federal Environment Agency, Dirk Messner, of the dpa news agency. More drastic measures are needed.

The CO2 price should be at least doubled from 2022 compared to the previous plan. That would mean significantly rising petrol and diesel prices. “From a climate and environmental protection point of view, it makes sense to further increase the CO2 price.” This is also possible in a socially acceptable way, “if the state uses the additional income from CO2 pricing to significantly reduce the EEG surcharge and at the same time promote climate-friendly drive technologies,” said Messner.

Climate goals endangered

The self-set goals from the Climate Protection Act by 2030 in the transport sector would be clearly missed if not massively corrected. In a reform paper, the Federal Environment Agency is primarily focusing on the expansion of alternatives to car and truck traffic, on electrification and socially acceptable CO2 pricing for traffic.

The authority’s proposals include, for example, gradually abolishing the diesel privilege from 2023 and gradually reducing the tax “subsidization” of company cars from 2022.

Eliminate false incentives

The commuter flat rate should be abolished from 2027, it continues. It creates false incentives for climate protection by supporting the trend towards long commutes. At the same time, commutes to work would be more often covered in cars with only one occupant. In order to cushion social hardship, travel costs should be taken into account in income tax if necessary.

The Federal Environment Agency also proposes to massively expand local public transport, bicycle and foot traffic and rail with additional billions of euros. There should be stricter, European CO2 fleet target values ​​for new cars in order to accelerate the market launch of electric cars.

Switching to climate-friendly means of transport

In order for Germany to become climate neutral by 2045, instruments that will only take effect after 2030 are necessary. These include, for example, the introduction of a car toll on all roads from 2030, according to the paper. “A mileage-dependent car toll creates incentives to shorten car journeys or to save them entirely or to switch to more climate-friendly means of transport instead.”

Messner also spoke out in favor of a general speed limit of 120 km / h on motorways. This could help the climate practically immediately and at no additional cost and also increase road safety.

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