Federal election 2021: direct candidates for the constituency of Munich-North – Munich

In the 2017 federal election, CSU politician Bernhard Loos won 32.2 percent of the vote and entered the Bundestag. Florian Post (SPD) came to 26 percent – after all, it was the best result of the four SPD candidates in Munich. Who will win the direct mandate in 2021? An overview of the candidates.

Bernhard Loos (CSU)

The CSU politician Bernhard Loos has been a member of the Bundestag since 2017. He was elected to parliament as a direct candidate for the constituency of Munich North. Loos has lived in Munich since 1981 – with a few interruptions – currently in Maxvorstadt. The 66-year-old at the time of the election last worked as an entrepreneur, is married and has two sons.

In the Bundestag he sits in the committees for economy and energy as well as in the petitions committee. He is also a deputy member of the Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment and of the Study Commission “Vocational Education”.

More information about Bernhard Loos can be found on his Homepage / on Facebook / on Instagram / on YouTube / on LinkedIn

Florian Post (SPD)

Florian Post moved into the Bundestag in 2013 via the state list and was able to maintain his place in 2017. In Berlin he sits on the committees for economic cooperation and development and for law and consumer protection. The social democrat is also a deputy member of the finance committee. The 45-year-old is married and recently fathered twin girls. Post has lived in Munich for 21 years, with small interruptions – currently in Maxvorstadt.

More information about Florian Post can be found on his Homepage / on Facebook / on Instagram / on Twitter.

Doris Wagner (Greens)

The Green politician Doris Wagner was a member of the Bundestag from 2013 to 2017. In the 2017 election, she narrowly missed moving back. As a direct candidate for the constituency of Munich North, she wants to move back into parliament. Wagner has lived in Munich since 1990, currently in Schwabing. The 58-year-old works as a translator and textile business economist, is divorced and has no children.

You can find more information about Doris Wagner on hers Homepage / on Facebook / on Twitter

Daniel Föst (FDP)

The FDP politician Daniel Föst has been a member of the Bundestag since 2017. Föst has lived in Munich since 2005, currently in Schwabing-Freimann. The state chairman of the FDP Bavaria will be 45 years old in August, is married and has two sons.

In the Bundestag he is chairman and member of the committee for construction, housing, urban development and municipalities. He is also a member of the Committee for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth and a deputy member of the Children’s Commission – Commission for the protection of children’s interests.

More information about Daniel Föst can be found on his Homepage / on Facebook / on Instagram / on Twitter / on LinkedIn

Petr Bystron (AfD)

Petr Bystron, the AfD’s direct candidate for the north of Munich, has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2017. He is the group leader of the AfD in the Foreign Affairs Committee and in the sub-committee for foreign cultural and educational policy. The 48-year-old is also a deputy member of the Committee on European Union Affairs. As a teenager, Bystron fled from the former Czechoslovakia to Germany, where his family received political asylum. He studied political science in Munich. He is an entrepreneur, married, has two children and currently lives in Maxvorstadt.

Further information on Petr Bystron can be found on his Homepage / on Facebook / on Instagram / on Twitter / on Youtube.

Christian Schwarzenberger (left)

Left-wing politician Christian Schwarzenberger is running for the Bundestag for the first time. He would like to join the committee as a direct candidate for the north of Munich. The 33-year-old is single and has a degree in energy technology. In addition, he is on the city council’s rent and energy policy adviser for the Left / The Party. In Munich, among other things, he is committed to fair rents and against vacancies. Schwarzenberger has lived in Munich since 2007, currently in Schwabing-West.


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