Federal Council: LNG expansion and family allowances approved

Status: 05/20/2022 11:56 a.m

In addition to the decision on the nine-euro ticket, some legislative projects have passed the Federal Council: These include the expansion of the LNG infrastructure, surcharges for poor families and social benefits for Ukrainians.

The Federal Council has approved several legislative projects. The chamber of states approved plans for the accelerated construction of liquefied natural gas terminals and for possible expropriations of energy companies. In addition, the planned corona surcharges for families and the entitlement of Ukrainian refugees to regular social benefits passed the Federal Council.

LNG expansion and possibility of expropriation

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is intended to help free Germany from its dependence on Russian gas. So far, the infrastructure required for the import is missing. Therefore, the construction of floating and fixed LNG terminals is to be accelerated by allowing the licensing authorities to temporarily omit certain procedural steps, especially in the environmental impact assessment. Environmental groups criticize that. The first floating LNG terminal is scheduled to go into operation in Wilhelmshaven before the end of the year.

The Bundesrat also approved a reform of the 1975 Energy Security Act. This should make it easier for the state to access energy companies in the future if there are serious supply bottlenecks. If there is a “concrete risk” that a company will not fulfill its tasks and there is a risk that security of supply will be impaired, the reformed law can temporarily place it under trusteeship. As a last resort, the possibility of expropriation is even created. Federal Economics and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) said he hoped that the law would have to be applied “as sparingly as possible”.

More money for poor families

Another decision by the Federal Council affects families who are dependent on financial aid from the state. You will get more money in the future: Recipients of social assistance, unemployment benefit II or basic security will receive a one-time payment of 200 euros in July, for children the monthly payments will increase by 20 euros from July. Recipients of Unemployment Benefit II also receive a one-off payment of 100 euros.

The additional 20 euros for children – the so-called immediate surcharge – are intended by the traffic light coalition as a transitional arrangement until the planned basic child security is introduced, which is intended to bring together all social benefits for children.

Social benefits for refugees from Ukraine

The law also stipulates that refugees from Ukraine will be entitled to benefits under Book II and XII of the Social Code as of June 1, 2022. The change from the area of ​​​​the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act brings with it higher benefits and enables more support in the job centers.

The Federal Council also approved the introduction of the planned nine-euro ticket. In June, July and August, the special tickets are intended to enable travel in local and regional transport throughout Germany – for nine euros a month each, which is much cheaper than normal monthly tickets. After approval by the Federal Council, sales can probably start as early as Monday.

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