FDP politician Nicole Bauer on “TV Total” scene: “sexist and problematic”

Interview with Gregor Gysi
“Sexist and problematic” – FDP politician Nicole Bauer criticizes the “TV Total” broadcast

Screenshot: This is how “TV Total” portrayed the FDP politician on the show

© Screenshot / YouTube / TV Total

It should be something like humor: In an issue of “TV Total”, left-wing politician Gregor Gysi was asked about the “sharpest bee in the FDP”. A week later, the show took up the subject again. One of the politicians affected now speaks out and criticizes the excerpts.

In an interview with Gregor Gysi, “TV Total” presenter Sebastian Pufpaff asked the left-wing politician a series of “unpleasant questions”. One of them, however, was less uncomfortable for Gysi than for the women affected by the question. In response to Pufpaff’s question “Who is the sharpest bee in the new Bundestag?” Gysi had replied with “I already know her, this is one of the FDP”, but did not elaborate on his answer.

Interview with Gregor Gysi: During “TV Total” the FDP server collapses

Through the scene and his comment “Find it yourself!” The number of hits on the official website of the FDP parliamentary group increased so much that the page could temporarily no longer be opened. “TV Total” now used this server failure to put the topic back on the show. In the current issue, moderator Pufpaff showed, among other things, the website’s error message and statistics that indicated a significant increase in search traffic on Google.

But that’s not all: “TV Total” now also put two women at the center of the show and brought them into connection with the statements made by Gregor Gysi. Pufpaff moderated this part of the program with the words: “Of course we also wanted to know: ‘Who are the hottest bees?’ and found two candidates for you. ” Subsequently, scenes were recorded that showed one of the politicians during rhetorical mishaps and thus denied her competence. Another FDP politician was also shown afterwards.

FDP politician Nicole Bauer: “think action is sexist”

One of the women affected, Nicole Bauer, has now commented on the program on Twitter. In her statement, she wrote, among other things: “Do I think #tvtotal’s campaign is sexist and problematic? Yes. I do and I also wonder at what time we will live in 2021 that women in public care so much about their appearance be reduced. ” and called “the natural way in which women are judged and humiliated for their looks” “terrible and frustrating.”

Clear words that were appropriate for the situation and also met with favors from other users. “TV Total” and Sebastian Pufpaff have not yet responded to Nicole Bauer’s statement.

Sources: “TV Total”, Tweets from Nicole Bauer

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