FDP for Steinmeier’s second term as Federal President – politics

The FDP has spoken out in favor of a second term in office for Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The party chairman Christian Lindner announced on Wednesday in Berlin that the FDP parliamentary groups in the federal and state governments had pleaded for Steinmeier to be supported in his candidacy for another term. The chances for re-election are not bad, and the SPD also supports his candidacy. But the Greens have not yet announced whether they would vote for him – it is also possible that the party wants to stand up for a woman in this office.

There were already discussions about this at the beginning of December. However, because a CDU politician brought into play the possibility of a Union candidate as a competitor to Steinmeier. North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst had said: “In my opinion, the time is ripe for a woman in Bellevue Palace.” A Federal President could give important new impulses in difficult times. Wüst is against Steinmeier’s re-election, but he did not make a specific candidate proposal.

Election will take place in February 2022

The Federal President is elected by the Federal Assembly. Half of it is made up of members of the Bundestag and half of members who are elected by the federal states – often prominent people or those who have made a special contribution through their commitment.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s first term of office ends on March 18, 2022. The 736 members of the Bundestag and the same number of delegates from the state parliaments will meet on February 13 to elect the future head of state of the Federal Republic.

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