FDP: Bavaria should do more for prostitutes – Bavaria

According to estimates, there are around 15,000 people in the Free State who engage in prostitution. The liberals in the state parliament are now demanding more advice – and a scientific study on the situation after the pandemic.

The FDP in the state parliament is demanding scientific studies from the state government on the situation of prostitution in Bavaria – above all on how the Corona requirements and the associated ban on work have affected the shift to illegality. The latter is “a lever for sexual exploitation,” says Julika Sandt, the parliamentary group’s socio-political spokeswoman, “since sex work was banned for a particularly long time during the pandemic, many prostitutes have withdrawn.” According to Sandt, experts even assume that “most” have been offering their services illegally ever since. Studies commissioned by the Free State could “objectify the entire debate about sex work”. According to Sandt, she recently got a picture of the milieu herself, for example in a brothel at the Frauentormauer in Nuremberg or in the basement studio of a dominatrix, who she met as a self-determined personality – who nevertheless complained about stigmatization.

In order to improve the situation of sex workers, Sandt calls in a concept paper, among other things, for the expansion of specialist counseling centers in all Bavarian districts; so far there is only one in Munich and one in Nuremberg, “that’s not nearly enough”. Professional reorientation must also be strengthened: Anyone who wants to get out should receive “comprehensive advice and support” – fixed structures instead of mostly donation-financed projects, if necessary with language courses, further training, debt or addiction advice. For professional prostitutes, registration and advice from the health department should also be free of charge, as is required for legal work. Regulations for the self-employed would have to be simplified, for example for renting apartments with colleagues in order to work there legally – without having to meet the same requirements as brothel operators.

In May, at the request of the FDP and the Greens, the social committee in the state parliament dealt with prostitution at a hearing with experts and active and former sex workers. Even then, the unclear database was discussed, according to estimates, there are up to 15,000 people in the Free State.

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