FC Versailles coach targeted by a judicial investigation for voyeurism

Youssef Chibhi, the coach of FC Versailles (National) is suspected of having filmed women without their knowledge. The 41-year-old man was taken into custody at the end of June. He became this Sunday the main suspect of a judicial investigation led by the police station of Clichy, in the Hauts-de-Seine, for “invasion of the intimacy of private life” and “recording of a pornographic image of a 15-year-old minor,” reports the Parisian.

At FC Versailles, we were “stunned” by the seriousness of the accusations against the coach. Internally, Youssef Chibhi no longer has the right to enter the locker room when the shareholders of the City group had given him full sporting powers. But since Sunday, this authority is now more than contested. Many players said they were “shocked” by the case, some even added that they “couldn’t see themselves working with him anymore”.

“We had a letter from the bosses of the club which confirms it”

Tuesday afternoon during a staff meeting, where Jean-Luc Arribart and the other shareholders were not present, Chibhi would not have given any justification but would have confirmed to his players that he remained in office. “We had a letter from the bosses of the club which for the moment confirms it as long as there is no new information”, explains a player. Many players do not understand the reasons why the shareholders seem to “want to minimize this case” and defend the coach while waiting for new elements. Unless the situation changes, Youssef Chibhi, under contract until 2024, will still remain in post for the next days of National. However, the events of recent days are still likely to leave traces between him and his team. General Manager Jean-Luc Arribart does not wish to speak for the moment.

“The club will adapt its attitude (…) according to the possible evolution of the facts”

The club also has shared a statement on Wednesday afternoon “We will be very vigilant as information is communicated by the competent authorities and to possible legal proceedings. The club will adapt its attitude with calm and all the necessary distance according to the possible evolution of the facts. […] Mr. Youssef Chibhi not having been indicted and having been left free of any prosecution at the end of his hearing. We therefore intend to preserve, as we have a legal and moral obligation, the rights of Youssef Chibhi to do his job. It is important not to mix up the seriousness of these suspicions with the exercise of the functions of Youssef Chibhi who, on the professional side, assumes his role with seriousness and unfailing commitment. »

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