Fattening or even a healthy aid to losing weight?

  1. 24vita
  2. Live healthy


Many people believe that bread makes you fat. But the right kind with a healthy spread can actually help you lose weight.

German bread is known and loved worldwide and was even added to the list of intangible cultural heritage by the national UNESCO commission in 2014. Around 56 kilos of bread and baked goods are produced according to Central Association of the German Bakery Trade eaten per household in this country every year. But how healthy is this food really?

Veronika Albers is a nutritionist (VFED) at the nutrition app Oviva and is familiar with the nutritional aspects of bread. In an interview with IPPEN.MEDIA She explains how much bread is healthy per day, which type of bread is the most digestible and how the pastry can even be integrated into a healthy diet.

Ms. Albers, bread is still considered THE staple food in this country. But how healthy is bread really?

Veronika Albers is a nutrition expert and knows a lot about the nutritional aspects of bread. © Sophie Brand

Wholemeal bread is a real powerhouse when it comes to healthy nutrition. It contains many important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and secondary plant substances. These are important for healthy digestion, a strong immune system and an optimal energy supply. In addition, fiber ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety and thus helps prevent cravings. On top of that, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

White bread, on the other hand, contains significantly fewer nutrients. This is mainly due to the manufacturing process, as the white flour used only contains the endosperm of the grain. On top of that, it has a high glycemic index (GI). This means that white bread causes blood sugar levels to rise and fall more quickly, which can lead to cravings and tiredness. White bread can of course be eaten as part of a varied diet, but should not make up the majority of the bread unit, as frequent consumption can contribute to weight gain.

When buying bread, you should therefore look for the label “whole grain”. This means that the flour was made from the whole grain and therefore contains all the valuable ingredients.

Which type of bread is particularly recommended?

In general, wholemeal bread is the better choice because it contains significantly more fiber, vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances than white bread. But there are also differences within the wholemeal bread category. Wholemeal spelt bread contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals as well as unsaturated fatty acids and is considered particularly digestible. Wholemeal rye bread, on the other hand, scores with a high content of magnesium, iron and B vitamins and keeps you full for a long time. Wholemeal bread made from oats is rich in fiber, beta-glucan and vitamin B1 and can lower cholesterol levels.

In addition to the type of grain, the processing and ingredients also play a role. For example, a long dough fermentation with sourdough improves the digestibility and nutrient availability of bread. Breads enriched with linseed, sunflower seeds or chia seeds provide additional nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids. In summary, wholemeal bread made from various types of grain, baked with sourdough and without additives, is the best choice for a healthy diet.

And what about the dreaded calorie content?

The calorie content of bread can vary greatly depending on the type. In addition to the calories, you should also pay attention to the nutrients in bread – and wholemeal bread has a clear advantage in this regard.

According to the Federal Food Code, 100 grams of wholemeal bread contains 213 kilocalories. White bread, on the other hand, contains 248 kilocalories. However, these are average values. The actual calorie content can vary depending on the recipe and production process. If you want to know exactly how many calories the bread contains, you should pay attention to the calorie information on the packaging when you buy it. For loose, unpackaged bread, fewer mandatory information is required than for packaged foods. But if you buy bread from a good baker, you will receive good information about the composition and ingredients of the bread.

By the way: Any additives as well as the production and baking process can also affect the calorie content of bread. Additives such as sugar and fats in particular can increase the calorie content. Breads baked with yeast also often have a higher calorie content than sourdough breads.

Baking your own bread is currently a trend. Which type of bread is particularly suitable for this? Which is particularly digestible?

That more and more people bake their own breadis pleasing because it gives you control over the ingredients and the quality of the bread. Wholemeal, sourdough, spelt and rye breads are particularly suitable for baking yourself. But a mixed bread made from different types of grain is also well suited for beginners.

To make the bread particularly digestible, When baking, wholemeal flour is mainly usedn, because the fiber promotes digestion and keeps you full for a long time. A long dough preparation, i.e. a long dough rest, also makes the bread more digestible and also ensures a good aroma. But also lactic acid bacteria, how they are used in sourdoughimprove digestibility.

And the spread? What do you need to keep in mind?

For a healthy and balanced diet there are also Things to consider when spreading bread. For example, protein-rich and low-fat cream cheeses and seasoned quark or quark with herbs are ideal. But cottage cheese is also rich in protein and calcium. Vegetable spreads with peppers, cucumbers, avocados or hummus are rich in vitamins and can be a delicious alternative to butter or margarine.

Sausage and cheese with a high fat and salt content should only be consumed in moderation, as they can promote high blood pressure and obesity. Jam, Nutella, honey, etc. contain a lot of sugar, promote tooth decay and also encourage obesity – and are therefore unfortunately not recommended for a healthy diet.

Don’t miss anything: You can find everything about health in the regular newsletter from our health experts at 24vita.de.

Can bread also be integrated into a healthy diet?

Yes, bread can definitely be integrated into a healthy diet. Wholemeal bread is actually an important part of a balanced diet and can help you lose weight. Because of the high fiber content in wholemeal bread, a slice of wholemeal bread keeps you full longer than a slice of white bread. The fiber also aids digestion. In general, wholemeal bread also causes blood sugar levels to rise more slowly, which prevents cravings.

The recommendation is two to three slices per day. As already mentioned, the toppings on the bread also play a crucial role. Fatty and high-calorie toppings are counterproductive. Instead, the bread should be eaten with vegetables, low-fat curd cheese, cream cheese, hummus, etc.

Wholemeal bread also goes well with other healthy foods – for example as a side dish to a fresh salad or low-fat chicken. This creates a balanced and filling meal.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Our editors are not permitted to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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