Fatal shots at police officers: suspects arrested in Saarland

Status: 01/31/2022 5:55 p.m

Two suspects were arrested after two police officers were shot dead. A public search had previously been carried out for one of the suspects.

The police arrested two suspects after the deadly shots at police officers. A public search had previously been carried out for one of the suspects. A 38-year-old and a 32-year-old were caught in Sulzbach, Saarland, according to the German Press Agency.

The search measures continued, however, because it could not be ruled out that there were accomplices, said a police spokesman.

Frauke Feldmann, SR, on arrests after the deadly shots at police officers

tagesschau24 6 p.m., 31.1.2022

papers found

According to dpa information, papers from a suspect were found at the scene of the murdered police officers.

The 24-year-old police candidate and the 29-year-old chief inspector were shot early Monday morning at around 4:20 a.m. during a traffic check on a district road in the Palatinate. According to information from security circles, the officials had previously reported by radio that dead game had been found in a vehicle. Later they reported “They are shooting”.

Several shots fired

The policeman is said to have fired several shots at the scene. It was initially unclear on Monday whether it was a warning shot or whether the officer injured a suspect. His colleague’s weapon was obviously not used, her pistol was still in its holster. According to the police, the young woman, who was still studying at the Police University, died immediately. The 29-year-old chief inspector from Kusel was initially still alive, but died when the rescue workers arrived, a police spokesman reported.

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