Fatal fall from a roller coaster in Klotten – SWR Aktuell

Fatal accident in the Klotten amusement park on the Moselle: A 57-year-old woman died on Saturday afternoon. According to the police, she had fallen off a moving roller coaster.

The woman from Sankt Wendel in Saarland suffered such serious injuries that resuscitation measures on site were unsuccessful. The 57-year-old died at the scene of the accident. It is not yet known how the accident in the wildlife and leisure park, also known as Klotti, could have happened. As the park announced on its website, it is closed on Sunday.

Police: Investigations are still in the early stages

In the evening, the police can say little more than the time of the accident and the age of the dead. “The investigations are still ongoing,” said a police officer from Cochem. As always in such accidents, the public prosecutor’s office was called in. But all investigations are still at the very beginning: Was it a technical defect, was it negligence or was it fatally careless? Was there a natural cause of death such as a heart attack? To clarify the cause of death, the public prosecutor could order an autopsy.

The amusement park in Klotten an der Mosel remains closed on Sunday after a woman fell fatally from the roller coaster.

Picture Alliance

Roller coaster more than 500 meters long

On its website, the park describes its “Klotti roller coaster” with a distance of 550 meters as “curvy, maximum gradient and up to 60 kilometers per hour fast”.

The park was opened in 1970 as a wildlife park on the Moselle heights near Klotten. Since the 1990s, it has been expanded into a leisure and family park with new attractions. The roller coaster opened accordingly in 2004.

Fatal accident in 2014 in the Hassloch amusement park

In 2014, an eleven-year-old girl had a fatal accident at the Holiday Park in Hassloch, Palatinate. The child, who came from Hesse, sustained such serious injuries on a ride that the emergency doctor could only determine his death.

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