Farmers’ protests: The deeper reason for the farmers’ anger is not just the traffic light economy

It’s not just the price of diesel that’s driving farmers onto the streets, especially since the government has already given in. But rather a lurching course in agricultural policy that goes back to the Merkel years.

Rarely before has the anger of the country’s farmers towards politics been so clearly felt. But what is really behind it? The fact is that the subsidy cuts, which have now been partially reversed, would in no way threaten the existence of individual companies, as a look at the numbers shows: If the agricultural diesel subsidy had been canceled as originally announced, average companies would have 1,000 to 4,000 euros less in their pockets has it the specialist magazine Agricultural today of all things. In addition, there would have been vehicle tax, which currently does not have to be paid for agricultural vehicles – but the federal government has already withdrawn this plan.

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