Farmers’ president announces new protests

As of: January 21, 2024 10:38 a.m

Although the federal government has already reversed some planned cuts in agriculture, farmers are dissatisfied. Association President Rukwied therefore announced further nationwide campaigns.

The President of the German Farmers’ Association, Joachim Rukwied, has announced new nationwide protests by farmers against the cuts planned by the government. “The same applies to the budget as to any other law: only when everything has really been negotiated to the end is it negotiated,” said Rukwied to the Düsseldorf “Rheinische Post”.

According to him, farmers want to continue fighting for an appropriate solution for agricultural diesel. “That’s why there will continue to be campaigns nationwide,” he continued. Regarding offers from the coalition to relieve farmers elsewhere, for example with help for stable conversions, Rukwied said: “We also have to talk about other topics, but that has to happen afterwards.”

Farmers across the country had already demonstrated against the cuts in recent weeks. The government then decided against the planned abolition of vehicle tax advantages for agricultural businesses and postponed the abolition of the tax concessions for agricultural diesel.

Özdemir: More than a billion euros for Agricultural structure support

Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir had shown understanding for the farmers’ protests. He told the newspapers of the “Funke Mediengruppe” that more than one billion euros would be available for agricultural structure funding in the current year, after the planned cuts in the joint task of agricultural structure and coastal protection (GAK) were almost completely recouped in the budget discussions despite tough austerity targets. “The promotion of strong rural areas remains secured. We fought hard for this and we were successful,” said the Green politician.

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