“Farmer is looking for a wife”: The big reunion: Inka Bause puts farmers through the wringer

“Farmer is looking for a wife”: The big reunion
Inka Bause takes farmers to task

Mission successful: Inka Bause with the dream couple André and Julia.

© RTL / Markus Nass

Three couples and many separations: The results of the big reunion of “Bauer sucht Frau”.

Three months after the Hofwochen there will be a big reunion for the 19th season of “Farmer is looking for a wife” (Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. on RTL, also on RTL+). The successful and failed farmers exchange ideas over mulled wine and are put through the wringer by Inka Bause (55).

Hans (65) and Elke (62) come together for a reunion and are the first couple to audition for Inka Bause. From “love at first sight” (Hans at the barn party) to today: the two of them can hardly believe their happiness. As they watch the best scenes of their farm week, Elke tears up. She feels as connected to Hans as she otherwise only feels to her twin sister.

Long-distance relationship “destroyed Daniel from within”

Even when Daniel (26) and Valentina (21) review their farm week at Inka Bause, tears of emotion flow. But unlike Hans and Elke, it wasn’t “enough for a relationship” with them, as Daniel has to admit. He realized that a long-distance relationship was “destroying him from the inside.” But the Tyrolean doesn’t want to move in with the Bavarian because of her studies. Are both of them still too young to overcome these obstacles?

This seems to be working for season senior Dietrich-Max-Helmut (70). His Marion (61) wants to move in with him and turn his bachelor cave into a living room. A happy ending for a couple that almost didn’t exist. At the barn festival, the horse owner Marion preferred Susanne (61) – because of her greater “horse expertise”, as DMH now admits. But Susanne broke off the farm week because she felt too lonely on the farm in Brandenburg. Luckily for Marion.

“Ass has a fair”: Inka Bause gives Siegfried an enema

For Siegfried (61), the farm week with two women was initially a “war,” as the farmer casually tells his colleagues over mulled wine. Ultimately he decided on Simone (55). But today she still doesn’t know where she stands. She’s hoping for clarity at the big reunion, but with Inka Bause the man can’t get out of it like he’s apparently done so often.

The moderator then immediately takes Siegfried to task. If he had made out with her and then just screwed around, then “that asshole would have a fair,” says Bause. Siegfried gave Simone false hopes, she accuses the farmer. It now occurs to him rather late that the “spark has not fallen” for him. The height of insensitivity: While Simone is still sitting next to him, Siegfried, to Inka Bause’s horror, calls on women nearby to contact him. A long-distance relationship is also not good for the bull breeder.

Radio silence for three promising couples

After the farm week, several couples quickly went silent. Hannes (24) and Jenny (22) greet each other frostily. On the phone he told her that “it might not be enough” with them. When they meet again, the two retreat to a table, but here too they don’t get anywhere. Hannes fears that they “won’t get along” as a couple in the long term.

Stephan (31) and Laura (26) see each other again for the first time since the farm week. They greet each other politely with a handshake. The “contact was slow” between them, they tell Inka Bause. There was an argument over the telephone and insults were made on his part. Stephan thinks Laura is too “jealous”. It’s no surprise to her that after their week together he contacted other women in the squadron. Inka Bause is once again stunned.

Patrick (27) and Sarina (24) don’t even make eye contact; she stands pointedly at another table. They only talk to each other about Inka Bause. Patrick accuses Sarina of wanting to “restrict” him and “terrorizing” him with her jealousy. She denies the allegations.

At the end of their farm week, Christoph (28) and Lisa (29) agreed that they wanted to stay on the buddy track for the time being. Nevertheless, they appear suspiciously harmonious. In fact, a relationship isn’t out of the question, even if Hans wants to see a bigger sparkle in Christoph’s eyes. “Fridge” Lisa (quote Christoph) just needs longer, was the tenor of the group.

No man could stand up to the peasant women

There is a very similar situation with the two farmers in the relay. Both Carolin (27) and Stefanie (41) had two men as guests. For Carolin it was first Lucas (26) and then Marcel (25), for Stefanie it was initially Timo (37) and Phillip (37) together before she decided on the latter.

But ultimately no man could end up with the female farmers. The reasons for both are similar. The court boys could not “contradict” or “stand up to” them. Inka Bause appeals to Carolin to put down her “protective shield” in the future and get involved in a relationship. Stefanie can start another call.

But the end of the reunion show is a happy couple. For André (33) and Julia (29) it is great love, and for “Bauer sucht Frau” it is good advertising for future editions. André and Julia emphasize their harmony with “matching outfits”. For him she is the “jackpot” and she pays him the most original compliment of the season: “If André were a kangaroo, I would like to live in his pouch.”


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