“Farmer is looking for a wife”: First bisexual farmer at Inka Bause

“Farmer is looking for a wife”
First bisexual farmer at Inka Bause

Michael K. with his chosen ones Aron (left) and Jan Hendrik.

© RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

For the first time, a bisexual farmer is part of “Bauer sucht Frau”. He invites two men to the barn party.

RTL has announced Michael K. (28) as the first bisexual candidate in the history of “Bauer sucht Frau”. But anyone who expected (or hoped for) a fight between man and woman for the Fleckvieh breeder in season 18 will be disappointed. Michael invited two men to the barn festival (Monday, 8:15 p.m. on RTL, also on RTL+). Financial manager Jan Hendrik (41) and project manager Aron (26) are his chosen ones. It didn’t “match” the women who had applied, he reveals to Inka Bause (53).

Sausage queen with bratwurst schnapps

Three farmers have invited three women: young farmer Max (26), cattle farmer Michael N. (52) and hobby farmer Erik (31). For the latter, “nobility comes into the house” (Inka Bause). Applicant Anne (27) is the Thuringian sausage queen of the 2017/18 season. She wants to seduce her compatriot Erik with a gift box. Of course there is sausage in it – and a bratwurst schnapps.

With Max, on the other hand, there is sometimes an awkward silence in the individual conversations. Applicant Sonja (23) has forgotten the questions she wrote down somewhere. Blackout like in a job interview. It doesn’t matter, after all, the candidates rave about the blue eyes of the young farmer, who could also go through as a double for Manuel Neuer (36). Anna (25) even has tingling in her stomach. Then a bratwurst schnapps.

Fiery Hungarian vs. Teenage Queen

Farmer Theo (58) attracted the most dazzling candidates. Two geriatric nurses are applying for him, hopefully just a coincidence. Yvonne feels excited like a teenager again, as she emphasizes several times. Her competitor is the Hungarian Helena, who caused frowns among fellow candidates with her bright red dress. Helena willingly fulfills the cliché of the fiery Csárdás princess. If you don’t choose a “great woman” like her, it’s your own fault.

The first decisions are already being made. Cheese farmer Arne chooses Antje (31), rival Katharina (30) withdraws without resentment. Annika (40), on the other hand, is emotionally overwhelmed by the situation. She indicates that she intends to retire. She applied for Jörg (48), a nurse cow owner.

Michael has also made a decision. It sparked straight away with a man. With whom is not revealed, that remains open as a cliffhanger for the second episode on Tuesday. Then we get to know two more candidates who couldn’t be at the barn festival. Beef farmer Maik (30) and horse farmer Loretta (32).


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