Farewell to the Queen’s coffin: David Beckham waited twelve hours

Farewell at the Queen’s coffin
David Beckham stood in line for twelve hours

With an umbrella, charm and a lot of patience: David Beckham in front of Westminster Hall.

© getty/[EXTRACTED]Credit: Dursun Aydemir/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Countless people are currently queuing to say goodbye to Her Majesty at the Queen’s coffin. So does David Beckham.

In order to say goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) for the last time, many people put up with waiting for hours in front of Westminster Hall, where the coffin of the monarch is laid out. On Friday (September 16) there was also a world-famous ex-soccer player in the kilometer-long queue: David Beckham (47). The former Three Lions international waited a full twelve hours, i.e. half a day, to pay his last respects to his queen. as “Sky News” reports.

According to this, he queued up at 2 a.m. and arrived at Elizabeth II’s coffin at around 2 p.m. Beckham told the assembled journalists that he came from a household that had been heavily influenced by the royals. “If my grandparents were still alive, they would be here today.” It was therefore out of the question for him to put up with the long wait and “celebrate the legacy with everyone here that [die Queen] left us”.

Queen stood for “kindness, caring and constant confidence”

“We’ve been very fortunate as a nation,” said Beckham. “To have had someone to guide us for this period, as Our Majesty did. With kindness, caring and ever-present confidence.” Beckham’s family hadn’t kept him company during the long wait – but according to reports, there were numerous amazed people who were said to have been enthusiastic that the star hadn’t used his celebrity bonus and instead stood in line as they did.


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