Fans stalk Marcelo Gallardo on Twitter, except it’s a journalist with the same name

After the “bad” AVB, the “bad” Marcelo Gallardo. Since the name of the Argentinian coach has come back to the forefront of the news to come and train Olympique de Marseille, Marseille supporters have been trying to convince him by writing to him on Twitter. Except that it is not the “good” Marcelo Gallardo, understand the former coach of River Plate, but a 62-year-old Uruguayan journalist, who bears the exact same name, as related Provence.

“Since I have a Twitter account, people confuse me with Gallardo”

This journalist from Correo de Punta del Este, a seaside resort in Uruguay, explains to the Provencal daily that he receives messages from OM supporters to convince him to come: “Marcelo, come to Marseille. It’s the same as River Plate, it’s hot, ”writes a first. When a Monegasque rival also goes there with his little message: “Marcelo, I hope it’s you. Please don’t sign in Marseille. Come to Monaco, especially not to Marseille”.

This is nothing new, “since I have a Twitter account, people confuse me with Gallardo,” he confides. To the point of receiving messages asking him to select this or that player, parents who praise the merits of their offspring. Marcelo Gallardo, the Uruguayan, even took advantage of his name to book restaurants at the last minute. A story that inevitably brings to mind Ashley Van Buren, this American flooded with messages by #TeamOM because of her AVB nickname, like the nickname of André Villas Boas, the former coach of OM.

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