Fanny Agostini reveals to have filed a complaint against Jean-Jacques Bourdin, and explains to Mediapart

Journalist Fanny Agostini revealed on Monday that she was at the origin of the complaint for “attempted sexual assault” filed against Jean-Jacques Bourdin on January 10, in Mediapart which collects other testimonies, some identified, others anonymous, aimed at the famous animator. An investigation was entrusted by the Paris prosecutor’s office to the 16th arrondissement police station and an internal investigation was opened by Altice, parent company of BFMTV and RMC. Jean-Jacques Bourdin, temporarily removed from the two antennas, denies the facts of which Fanny Agostini accuses him.

Former weather presenter of RMC-BFMTV, then passed by ThalassaFanny Agostini gives in Mediapart her version of the facts dating back to 2013, when she participated in the Calvi Petanque Open, in Corsica, where Jean-Jacques Bourdin is also invited.

Aggression and threats

One morning, she swims in the hotel pool. “He started swimming parallel to me, while starting to give me compliments, telling me that I had changed, that he didn’t see me like that. I was super uncomfortable, stomach tight, ”she says. Jean-Jacques Bourdin would have approached “very quickly”, would have “grabbed her by the neck, on the side”, and would have “brought her towards him suddenly” while trying to kiss her “several times”. “Taking lessons”, she says she did not “scream”, but “struggled” and managed to get out of the water.

Jean-Jacques Bourdin, can we read in Mediapart, would then have launched to him: “I always get what I want”. A phrase that “punctuated [ses] nightmares for years. And that Fanny Agostini says she experienced “like a threat from someone who had a hierarchical ascendancy”.

Inappropriate looks and text messages with a sexual connotation

In 2014, Fanny Agostini presents the morning weather forecast on BFMTV and meets daily Jean-Jacques Bourdin who takes the air for his daily interview immediately after the weather report. “I was disturbed every morning, by the way he looked at me, the same look as in Calvi. I was doing my reports in apnea, at 8:28 am I was paralyzed. I was also afraid of meeting him alone in the corridors or the dressing rooms. “She then assures that between September 2014 and spring 2015, the host sent her, in the midst of professional exchanges, many messages with a sexual connotation. Like that of November 27, 2014, which Mediapart says it has obtained, received on its professional email: “You tempt me every morning… I like your look. »

Jean-Jacques Bourdin did not respond to Mediapart, which says it asked for all the testimonies. The host is currently suspended from the air, “temporarily” by his management.

Other testimonials

Journalist Sidonie Bonnec, host on France 2 and France Bleu, also testifies in Mediapart. A young journalist wishing to do radio, she was invited to a festival in Calvi by Jean-Jacques Bourdin in 2010. The host, according to the words of the young woman, assured her that she would be staying at a hotel. But before leaving, he would have called to tell him that the hotel is full and that by “lucky”, he “has a villa with a friend”. He would have added: “There is a swimming pool, do not forget your bathing suit”. “This sentence cut my legs off,” she told Mediapart, “it was no longer professional at all”.

Arrived at the airport with her companion, she recounts having seen Jean-Jacques Bourdin who would have been content to send them a greeting “from afar”. “After that, I never heard from anyone again. Obviously I never got the job, ”she says.

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